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Abuse - Monster in the House
large product photo   Now with a chapter on Johnny Depp. Includes links to actual recordings of abuse. Psychological analysis by Sam Cooke - documented true story written by a domestic violence survivor.

If your partner is a psychotic maniac, hell-bent on tearing your life apart while telling you it's your fault and endlessly lying in the process, can you ever truly know them?

To many who have never been abused, the simple answer is to walk away. To those who have been or are being abused, we know it is not that simple.

Documented evidence includes extracts of police logs, social service reports, criminal statements, text messages, emails and, perhaps most importantly of all, transcrips from recordings of the actual abuse. Names and places changed to protect identities.

"Call the police. Iron in your face."

Available on Amazon in ebook and paperback